Informazioni su Nintendo WiFi

Informazioni su Nintendo WiFi

Nintendo ha rilasciato alcune informazioni su Nintendo WiFi. Per il momento pubblico la versione originale, la traduzione seguirà.
Il sito di NintendoWifi parte il 7 novembre. Preparatevi, ragazzi, che si fonda un clan di Mario Kart DS.

Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection, Nintendo’s wireless online gaming service, creates a comfortable, inviting environment where players of all skill levels can gather to have fun. The service removes many of the barriers that have kept people from going online to play games. These include cost, ease of use and the online culture of domination.

How to Connect:
From Home:
1. If the user already uses a Wi-Fi home network, the Nintendo DS unit will connect directly to it with minimal setup procedures.

2. Those who have a high-speed Internet connection such as cable or DSL, but no Wi-Fi home network, can either purchase a compatible wireless router or purchase a Nintendo Wi-Fi USB Connector, which plugs into the USB port of a PC running Windows XP to create a wireless access point to connect a DS to Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection.

Outside the home:
1. When a user brings a Nintendo DS unit into one of 6,000 Wayport-enabled McDonald’s restaurants nationwide, the user simply launches the game in Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection mode. No setup is required. A list of participating Wayport/McDonald’s hotspots will be available soon at

2. When visiting other pay-service Wi-Fi hotspots, such as those at coffee shops or airports, players can use a laptop computer and the Nintendo Wi-Fi USB Connector to access Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection. The Nintendo Wi-Fi USB Connector provides a conduit to play games via Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection by enabling the Nintendo DS to share an Internet connection established by a laptop running Windows XP (regular Internet access fees may apply at pay-service hotspots).

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