Guitar Hero 3: prime canzoni & Les Paul

Guitar Hero 3: prime canzoni & Les Paul

Sempre più buone notizie per gli appassionati di musica e videogiochi. Innanzitutto, la chitarra di Guitar Hero III sarà nientemeno che una Les Paul in versione wireless, strumento leggendario alla pari della Stratocaster che troveremo su Rock Band. Inoltre, ecco le prime canzoni annunciate:

* Paint It Black (by The Rolling Stones)
* Cherub Rock (by Smashing Pumpkins)
* Sabotage (by Beastie Boys)
* The Metal (by Tenacious D)
* My Name is Jonas (by Weezer)
* Knights of Cydonia (by Muse)
* Rock And Roll All Nite (as made famous by Kiss)
* School’s Out as made famous by Alice Cooper)
* Slow Ride (as made famous by Fog Hat)
* Cult of Personality (by Living Colour)
* Barracuda (as made famous by Heart)

Guitar Hero III è atteso su PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 e Wii, e supporterà il multiplayer online.

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