Fallout 3: maggiore realismo con la mod Reborn

Fallout 3: maggiore realismo con la mod Reborn

L’annuncio di Fallout: New Vegas e le prime indiscrezioni sulle caratteristiche che avrà il nuovo capitolo della saga post-apocalittica ora in mano a Bethesda, come è naturale che sia hanno offerto degli importantissimi spunti alla comunità di modder di Fallout 3 per ridare un po’ di linfa vitale al loro videogioco preferito.

Seguendo una “filosofia di sviluppo” completamente diversa da quella che ha animato i realizzatori di GreenWorld, il team di programmatori amatoriali che ha dato alla luce la mod Reborn ha preferito concentrarsi esclusivamente sulle criticità della struttura di gioco di Fallout 3, modificando una serie davvero infinita di parametri ed ottimizzando tutto ciò che non quadrava nella versione “liscia” del capolavoro Bethesda.

Subito dopo la pausa potrete trovare le restanti immagini in galleria così come il listone delle aggiunte e dei miglioramenti apportati a Fallout 3 (ovviamente nella sua versione PC) dalla mod Reborn.

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Fallout 3: mod Reborn – galleria immagini

Fallout 3: mod Reborn - galleria immagini
Fallout 3: mod Reborn - galleria immagini
Fallout 3: mod Reborn - galleria immagini
Fallout 3: mod Reborn - galleria immagini

Fallout 3: mod Reborn - galleria immagini
Fallout 3: mod Reborn - galleria immagini
Fallout 3: mod Reborn - galleria immagini
Fallout 3: mod Reborn - galleria immagini
Fallout 3: mod Reborn - galleria immagini
Fallout 3: mod Reborn - galleria immagini
Fallout 3: mod Reborn - galleria immagini
Fallout 3: mod Reborn - galleria immagini
Fallout 3: mod Reborn - galleria immagini
Fallout 3: mod Reborn - galleria immagini

-Heavily modified immolation effect. When you’re lit on fire, you now cry out in pain and your screen is tinted a bright orange.

-Grenades and explosives now can shell-shock you. Everything slows down, everything loses it’s color, and the world goes a bit blurry.

-The Player House Terminal, which allows you to customize this mod quite heavily, and to your personal taste.

*Weapon slots, you get 2 main weapons, 1 sidearm, 10 explosives (such as mines or grenades), and one small melee weapon (such as a knife).

*Ammo maximums, the amount you can carry is dependent on two values: your Strength level, and if your apparel has a bandoleer or not.

*Player needs that make your character hunger, thirst, tire, and need to excrete. These can be toggle on/off AND can be customized quite heavily.

-The Royal Wasteland Bank has set up ATM terminals throughout the wasteland, there are 7 total. Use them to store caps and gain interest on them.

-Jericho now actually buys new equipment and weapons with the 1000 caps you give him.

-Weapons with special attachments can be found throughout the wasteland.

-Cars and vehicles don’t explode into nuclear fireballs with only a few bullets, seriously, who’d feel safe in a vehicle like that?

-The karma penalty for stealing items has been reduced from 5 to 1. Stealing a few items should NOT be as evil as killing someone.

-Various Karma rebalances, for example: killing Roy Phillips no longer makes you lose Karma. Giving the beggars water now only gives you a tenth of the
good Karma you used to receive.

-The Personal Sanitizer now takes one Abraxo Cleaner per food or beverage cleaned, but totally removes any radiation from the food.

-New perks such as Chef and Solider.

-Certain perks modified to fit with the mod.

-Weapons have many changes, such as:
Different skills (Missile Launcher now uses Explosives skill, not Big Guns).
New, more realistic and varied clip sizes.
Damage increased GREATLY, much more realistic.
Fire-rate increases on certain weapons.
New injuries, such as blunt force trauma, that can be given to a target with a critical.
Certain weapons are now actually useful (Miss Launcher, MIRV, etc).
Weapon mods; now you can find modified weapons throughout the wasteland.
Bullet casings stay around a LOT longer, and can be seen from a greater distance.

-New medical items, such as EZ-Cool and Bruise-Be-Gone, to heal the new injuries. These can be found throughout the wasteland, and in certain loots.

-Totally re-done addiction system. I hated the crappy, luck-based addiction system, so I replaced it with a system that counts the amount of a drug you’ve used in a certain period of time. If you go over a certain limit, then you become addicted. Taking more of the drug when addicted is a bad idea, as it will only make it harder to kick the addiction later on, and there is no alleviating the effects.

-A book trade-in terminal at the Arlington Library, that allows you to swap a skill book for a different one. It also allows you to trade in rare books for more trade points then your average skill book.

-Wasteland Wave, a personal radio station that is accessible 24/7. You can now listen to 20 of your favorites songs as you roam the wasteland!

-Some weapons have new firing sound effects that are much better, in my opinion.

-Night vision goggles which are a stealthy and effective way to light up your surroundings while keeping enemies in the dark. Buy them from vendors.

-Centaur’s actually carry some loot now, don’t ask where.

-The Workbench, Laboratory, Vending Machines, and Infirmaries now all work very differently.

-Misc. items are now more useful, and have various weight and value rebalances, to be more realistic and fun.

-Severely reduced HP bonuses given when you level up or increase your Endurance level.

-Bottles can be refilled from sinks and other water sources. Unfortunately, there is no way to allow the player to refill them in the rivers/bodies of water.

-You can take Talon or Raider armor and disguise yourself with it. Be warned that entering combat will destroy your cover, so don’t think that this is a feature you can use to safely ignore enemies.

-Kids are now killable, if you have an issue with this feature, I suggest you watch your fire around children. Certain children, if armed, will open fire on you if you aggro them.

-Certain other NPC’s have been set to unessential, killing certain people (such as Harkness) will cause you to fail any quests related to them.

-Robots and machines now take far more damage before they die. I recommend carrying a few pulse grenades around at all times.

-Moira, Chief Gustavo, Flak, and Shrapnel now all have 100 Repair skill.

-The weapon repair system is now more open and realistic, for example: a Dart Gun can be repaired with a Toy Car.

-Personal Mark VI Turrets can be bought from vendors.

-Gates in Little Lamplight can now be blown open, with enough firepower.

-Pickpocketing is far easier, as I’ve bumped up the min/max success chance: (was 5-85 %, now is 25-100%).

-The Minigun and Gating Laser weapons no longer have those big useless backpacks.

-The effectiveness of repairing items has been halved.

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