Crysis: presto la seconda patch

Crysis: presto la seconda patch

La patch 1.2 per Crysis è già pronta, ed è attualmente al vaglio dei dipartimenti per il controllo qualità di Electronic Arts e Crytek. Ciò significa che il rilascio è imminent

Questo nuovo aggiornamento porterà una serie di correzioni, ma non migliorerà le prestazioni come ha invece fatto la patch precedente. Riportiamo i dettagli del comunicato ufficiale:

* Fixed potential server exploit that could cause servers to crash.
* Added mouse wheel scrolling support for server browser.
* Fixed an issue where in unarmed mode, the character’s arms will suddenly reappear and disappear when picking up and dropping an object.
* Added new effects for vehicle shattering after being frozen.
* C4 will now stick to doors correctly.
* Added new grenade indicator icon.
* Adjusted explosion radius of grenade launcher to be more efficient vs. players.
* Added check for players riding on vehicles while not seated to prevent them being killed.
* Tweaked damage for players hit by vehicles at lower speeds.
* Adjusted wall collision damage for civilian car.
* Improved AI machinegun handling (both stationary and mounted machineguns on vehicles).
* Fixed an issue with “Escort Prophet out of sphere” objective failure causing reloading issues.
* Added team colors to kill/death messages (explained in detail further above).
* Fixed some game states not properly resetting after game restart.
* Fixed issue where VOIP doesn’t work properly on non-dedicated servers.
* Added auto team balance. Players will now be moved from full teams to the opposing side when dead if the numbers are unbalanced.

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